Photo Credit: Marie Claire Taiwan

Photo Credit: Marie Claire Taiwan


I love drawing, apparently. When turning my interest into a profession, I’m so grateful that doing the work I’m passionate about. I knew nothing about illustration when I was young. Alternatively, I was crushing into studying science during high school and dreamed to be a biologist who could name every organism on the mountain!

However, there can never be a clash to love science(and math) as well as art. It became great energy when drawing various animals playing around my image and depicting narratives in detail. I keep developing my skills and finding the inner voices that I was taught. I realized an interest has been shaping my life a lot and fortunately it continues to lead me to the way I want to live.


WIA 2018, Photo Credit: Josh Redman

WIA 2018, Photo Credit: Josh Redman


A Little Journey


University of the Arts London

I started my first year of Master in Illustration at Camberwell College of Arts in London in 2013.


Screen Print

I’ve learnt a lot about printmaking in UAL, particularly fascinated by screen print. I transformed my illustration with detailed lines into print work. The challenge was that the fine lines were easily missing because the hole on the screen would be blocked by the ink. I’ve tried many different methods to print them and was so pleased with the final result.

Camden Town sketching

Pondering the City

My master’s project was a series of observational narratives about the city, which became my start point to draw more cities around the world.


Missing Artwork

On the last day of the Camberwell MA graduate show, my handmade artwork was stolen. The work was a 32-page full screenprint, binding with concertina, hardcover with leather. It took me 5 months to make and was the only book I finished, so I couldn’t help crying for 2 days.

Off to Venezia

I was so struggling and stressed after graduating. Life is not easy but it becomes different when thinking of “nothing to lose”. I headed to Venice to learn Italian, to meet the people and to observe everything around me. The city inspired me a lot! I realized that when things went stuck, I could always change my mind to find a way out.


Second-year of Pondering the city

Inspired by my MA project and trip to Italy, I had set myself a challenge of drawing 25 countries in 5 years. Hamburg, Istanbul and Sofia were the chosen cities for the second year’s project.


Mural in Hamburg

I had a great opportunity to draw a mural depicting the city of Hamburg while on the trip to Germany! It was located at one of the popular sailing bars on the Alster in the heart of Hamburg.


Exploring Bulgaria

I explored the capital, Sofia, and another city by the Black Sea, Sozopol, with my Bulgarian friends. I really enjoyed visiting the places and learning the culture that I was unfamiliar with.

Studio Registered

In late 2015, I registered my own studio and officially started my career as an illustrator and designer.


First Online Course

Invited by the amazing start-up team, I worked with Hahow(now the largest Mandarin online learning) to create my first class that sharing my skills of drawing architectures while on a trip.


Talk to the Young Heart

I shared my humble journey of following my passion to achieve my goal at National Chengchi University, Taipei Municipal Zhongshan Girls High School and one public event at Gramercy Bistro. I was so motivated by their warm feedbacks.


TV Show

It was my pleasure to be a guest to a TV program talking about my work and experiences for 1 hour. I did a live drawing at the end of the show, which was nervous to draw in front of cameras.


Jury Panel

I was invited to join the jury panel of the illustration competition held by the art workers union. While carefully reviewing the submission and writing feedback, I realized that I had been going through the first 5 years from UAL. It made me think about further challenges for the next 5 years.


Relocated to Melbourne

To be out of my comfort zone, my family and I moved to Melbourne just before the pandemic hit the world. It was a huge challenge for me, however, I’ve learnt and developed a lot over the past year. I continue to use my positive personality to face more challenges in a new place. It’s not the end of the story. We’re on the way to the next chapter.

What Other People Are Saying About Peichi

17 August , Newspaper Bild Hamburg

17 August , Newspaper Bild Hamburg



Contact Me

Feel free to contact me if you are interested in my works or would like to commission me.
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You can find me either way. I will get back to you as soon as I can.